Hey there!
I am Michael Argüello and I hail from the United States of America, near my nation’s capital. I’m a US Army infantryman and combat veteran. Though I no longer serve in my nation’s military I do serve my country as a federal employee. I am also the author of The Sword that Divides.
I came to find Powerful Books through a community formed by a partnership between the actor Matthew McConaughey and Master Mind LLC back in 2023. This is where I would see posts from Perry Power. I knew that I would eventually tell my story and that Perry’s Powerful Books platform would be the vehicle to take me all the way through publishing.
I did notice that the majority (if not all) of the abuse stories seemed to center around sexual abuse around the time I arrived in the Powerful Books community. The abuse I wished to speak to was emotional and psychological specifically. I did feel a little out of place when comparing my experience to the more violating experiences of sexual assault or abuse. But the only one doing the comparing was me. The message I received by the community was that my story matters.
Over time I discovered that more members were joining the community with stories that also focused on emotional and psychological abuse. But it was also when reading their stories that I discovered that emotional and psychological abuse also plays a part in survivors of sexual abuse. How so? I plan on speaking to that in my posts. But in short, when those who speak about their abuse are silenced, that is when the psychological abuse starts.
One form of abuse is layered on top of another. Perpetrators and enablers of the abuse are compelled to keep the truth hidden, and that is when the more severe psychological toll comes into play. I used my book, and will use my posts here, to speak to how we can recognize the more covert layers of abuse. Recognizing it is the most critical step in healing from it.
I do have a fun side. I also have a dark side. I took my awakening to what emotional and psychological abuse looks like, added my playful and dark sides, and I turned building boundaries into a game. My book goes over how to play it. I use storytelling as my vehicle to deliver the awakening I received along with the presenting the boundary-building game to the reader.
I look forward to seeing how the Powerful News blog impacts readers. I hope you leave here validated and/or inspired, and definitely informed. It is my pleasure to join the ranks of my fellow writers and bloggers here as we continue to build our community.
One voice can be so strong, but many?
Look out, world!