Do you find it hard to trust in people? If the answer is yes, this post might resonate with you.
If we look at this statement from the outside, we are saying that we don't trust people and feel the world is against us, being wary of strangers and our own family who could betray us. But if we look at this deeper what we really are saying is…
“Do I trust myself?”
When you’ve experienced severe emotional abuse, manipulation, and deceit topped with caregivers who were your biggest critics, not supporters, it leaves you in a perplexed state of mind. It makes you doubt your belief systems and question everything around you. Since I began my healing journey and delved deep into Spiritual work, I’ve come to realise a lot of my “lone wolf” traits stemmed from not wanting to be badly hurt again. My vulnerability seemed like a sacred possession that if I gave away, I could never get back.
In this post I want you to know that you never give away your vulnerability away, you only share it… meaning you should have an abundance of it to use, share, or not share as you please.
From being a “lone wolf” I was only teaching myself that I couldn’t depend on my own feelings or opinions on situations, when in fact the actions of others, even ones we truly love are not a reflection of who we are, they are just a projection of how they see us. So if someone betrays you, don’t see it as that you should have known better and you won’t ever trust anyone again. See it as a pathway to learn more about healthy boundaries and forgiveness within yourself as many people come across as ‘sheep in wolf’s clothing’. A real manipulator like my Mother would never show her true identity to others but that doesn’t mean that I should let her get away with ruining my self-esteem and confidence behind closed doors. In fact you can be the Wolf that runs the pack. You can stand tall and firm in your decisions moving forward and know that you can trust in others but most importantly you trust yourself.
When you realise you don’t need to over analyse other people’s behaviours, you have to look inward and see how you need to react if you sense ill intent from them. On another merit, from genuine people, the right love, guidance, admiration, respect, and loyalty is what can make you a stronger leader in your own mind. We as humans need people to survive in this world, because you can’t do it on your own and shouldn’t be expected too. Take help from others who offer positive energy in your life and build a community with them, but just know you can stand on your own and carry yourself if times are hard. To me, that’s a personal declaration of trust.
Maybe my Spirit animal is a Wolf…
What’s yours?
Sonam x
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