A Child Was Born

A Child Was Born

Jocelyn Nichols

Jocelyn Nichols

I am sure you have heard the phrase “spiritual awakening” thrown around in many ways.

But what is it?

There is no one way. No right or wrong way. It will play out differently depending on the individual and circumstances. My story is a real-life demonstration of a spiritual awakening.

It all began in chapter one when a child was born. An unplanned child. Little me came into the world and was placed in the hands of parents who were not yet ready to fully nurture me as they were still, in essence, children themselves. Though not intentional, the lack of proper nurturing was detrimental to my development in those early years. And the wrongful hands I fell into contributed to the construction of my foundation. That foundation was weak and brittle. Like a ticking time bomb until that structure collapsed. I had to be broken to be rebuilt. Put more beautifully, the rebirth of my inner child.

Through awakening, we shed our old selves and evolve to a higher state of consciousness. We are transcending old habits, beliefs, and mindsets. This is when your life takes a drastic change. In the beginning, it can be quite confusing, lonely and difficult. Your life was based on the old version of you. It was built on a belief system that as you grow and evolve into a higher state no longer exists. For your journey to continue to evolve, you have to let go. Let go of environments, people, habits, and even careers that no longer align with the version of you that now exists.

You will have moments of thinking something is wrong with you. You will question everything. Ride it out. You will detach from negative beliefs that once held you back. You will come to the understanding that you can leave people, places, and things with love and grace. Though all may be right for some it is ok if it's not right for you. You begin to understand that you are no longer a victim. When you accept full responsibility for the role you played in your own life experience. You attracted circumstances and people based on your level of healing, self-love, and understanding. You will meet forgiveness. With the knowing that those who hurt you did it out of their own level of awareness. It had nothing directly to do with you. In that release, you will tap into your power.

Your world is no longer based on fear or ego. Rather an internal knowing. It's an awareness that everything and everyone comes from the creator. All are created equal. You can no longer unsee what you have seen. You have been given a new lens to see through. The more you heal the more you release and the further you tap into your power. This is ever-evolving. As each layer is shed a new layer will be presented. And as you release and let go you will continue to evolve to a higher state of consciousness. You see from the perception that all happens for you not against you. Even if that's redirection through an experience that grants you knowledge. You will move forward with intention and you will surrender.

The terrors and pains that once victimized me no longer have power over my life. I am indifferent towards them. Would I wish to experience them again? No. However, I have brought them to light. I have taken all the good from them that I can. That being knowledge. I use every ounce of the pain weathered through, the understanding of the wrongs and failures. The lessons in endurance and survival. The obstacles and pathways in how to overcome. I use this to hold space for another. To aid them in their pathway to awakening. A king and a peasant are made of blood, bones, and flesh. Each comes from the same creation. One has no more or less value than the other. May all awaken to humanity. May all be seen, heard, and understood.

Love and light,



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