My Name Is Julie

My Name Is Julie

Julie Stead

Julie Stead

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My name is Julie. I live in Derby, England, with my partner and our two children. 

I’m a cancer thriver… well-versed in mental health struggles… and extremely passionate about promoting emotional wellbeing!

When I was eight years old, my uncle took his own life. This had devastating effects on my family, and has rippled through my life.

I have also lived with my own experiences of mental ill health since my teens, predominantly depression and anxiety, and during my 20s I was in an emotionally abusive relationship, which only worsened my mental health struggles, until one day I realised I had two options… and thankfully I found the courage to leave. 

Shortly after, I met my partner, Steve, and everything changed for the better; we had two boys and became the family I had always dreamed of. 

I also learnt how to look after my own mental health and find things that helped me to manage, and even deter, episodes of depression and anxiety.

Then, in 2020, I started studying for a degree in counselling and psychotherapy, because I wanted to learn more about mental wellbeing, with the hope of supporting others in preventing mental ill health…

But just three weeks after my last lecture, and a month before I graduated, I was diagnosed with grade three invasive lobular breast cancer.

I have not only learnt to face things from my past, but to acknowledge my present and confront my future… 

“We get to choose the perspective of our lives!”

If we can't change something, then we get to change how we see it. That's something we can control. That's within our power!

One thing in my wellbeing toolkit that really helps me through daily life is positive quotes, and so I’ll be sharing some of these here with you, alongside open and honest thoughts, feelings and experiences (and probably some epic fails no doubt as well!).

I truly hope they resonate, empower and encourage you, because support and connection are so vital to us in life. When we authentically connect and support each other, we feel less alone in our experiences and can live happier, healthier lives.

Take care and much love,

Julie x


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(A bi-weekly blog where I share journaling musings alongside knowledge and insight to acknowledge and promote emotional wellbeing)

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