My Name Is Perry

My Name Is Perry

Perry Power

Perry Power

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4 years old: My mum walked out and left my dad.

7 years old: My dad and step-mum got married. I was the best man.

10 years old: I was sexually abused by my step-grandad. This happened for over a year.

11 years old: My step-mum caught it happening. My dad stopped me from going round there and told me to keep it silent.

12 years old: I wrote a short story in English class and spoke about the abuse. My parents were called. I don’t remember this happening. I saw a counsellor nearly every week throughout my school life.

16 years old: I lied about losing my virginity because I didn’t want to be reminded of the shy and abused boy anymore. I started to become a guy who wore multiple masks to be someone I wasn’t.

20 years old: I travelled around Australia.

21 years old: I came back to the UK and went back into acting. I got a part time job in a caller centre and quit after two shifts. I decided to pivot and became a personal trainer. I stepped into the fitness industry and built a fitness company. I moved into my first house with my girlfriend at the time and got a puppy.

22 years old: My dad suddenly had a heart attack and passed away. He was 48. I pivoted my fitness company to start working with parents.

23 years old: I finally broke my silence at a business mastermind over the sexual abuse I went through as a child. Then whilst driving back, I pulled over and spoke out again via video, for which went viral on FB. I shifted my business focus and started working with fitness coaches to help them grow their online business.

24 years old: My girlfriend of 6 years breaks up with me. My dog and I left and temporarily stayed with family.

25 years old: I met someone and we fell in love. I move into a new house. I left my business behind to my ex business partner because I was unfulfilled. I slept on the floor in my house, in a sleeping bag, along with my dog, because I was too broke to buy furniture. I halved my dinners with my dog. My girlfriend left me. All I could think about was suicide. I was severely depressed. I became desperate in trying to find out what my purpose was. Not pursuing my acting dreams was killing me. My dog’s health rapidly declined and I put her to sleep. Only 4 years old. Worst day of my life.

26 years old: I started to lead with my story and raise awareness about intrafamilial abuse. I found my purpose. I found my message. I went viral on TikTok (amassed over 120k followers in 6-12 months). I co-launched a charity. I wrote a bestselling book. And I met someone new, her name is Olivia. She’s one of the most magical people I’ve ever met. She’s my Queen.

27 years old: I started speaking gigs (did a keynote talk and spoke at schools) and did a TEDx talk. I helped 1000s of survivors in my DMs throughout the year.

28 years old: I launched Powerful Books to help trauma survivors find healing through the process of writing their story. We then publish the book for them at the end.

And now I'm 30 years old. We currently have 19 books published so far and 65 people inside our program. Powerful Productions has now launched to start turning these powerful books into powerful films.

No matter the stage you’re at in life, there’s always meaning to it. You aren’t always in control over what happens to you, but you’re always in control with how you respond to it. And there’s always a message to take away from it that can help others.

Bob Proctor once said “if you picture it in your mind, then you can manifest it into the material world”.

Get to manifesting guys! It’s yours for the taking.

Be powerful,



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Real Stories.
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© 2025 Be Powerful

Powerful Books Ltd

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