Recognizing Patterns and Survival Mechanisms: Your First Step to Lasting Change

Recognizing Patterns and Survival Mechanisms: Your First Step to Lasting Change

Debbra Blosnich

Debbra Blosnich

Patterns of behavior can serve us or hold us back.

Everyone has developed patterns of behavior, usually formed in our younger years of life. These patterns run in the background of our minds, and if we don’t make a conscious decision to explore our behaviors, we may go on reliving the same scenarios day after day, year after year until we are jolted out of it by an event.

For me the event that thwarted me to full consciousness was a re-betrayal by my abuser. As the shock of the situation settled on me, I realized I had to wake up to the reality that I was not living as my full self but as a shadow of my true joy and potential. Basically, I was stuck in survival mode and now I was ready to shake all of those limiting beliefs and start Thriving.

How do you do that? How do you let go of all the things that have kept you safe for so long?

Well first, you have to realize the truth. If your behaviors are/were truly serving you, you would be living an abundant life full of bliss and happiness in all areas despite minor setbacks in life. So, if this is true for you congratulations you have found your way to your true Authentic Self. However, if you find yourself less than excited about your life continue reading. I will explain some ways what once kept us safe may have now become the very thing that keeps us stuck.

Understanding Survival Patterns vs. Chosen Patterns

Finding yourself in another poor relationship, having unhealthy habits and feeling anxiety or stress are all signs that you are probably functioning with the effects of unmet or broken trust somewhere in your life. The effects of this on your subconscious is to repeat the patterns of behavior that kept you safe then but now hinder your progress. Becoming aware of the patterns that do not serve us takes some practice and replacing them with empowering thoughts is the key to transforming your life.

The first step to changing any pattern is simply recognizing it. When we bring awareness to these patterns, we can start to see which ones truly serve us and which are simply relics of a past where they were necessary. Are you making decisions based on your values, or are old fears guiding your actions?

Actionable Step: This week, I invite you to notice one recurring thought or behavior without judgment. It could be something as small as a worry that pops up often or a habit you turn to when stressed. Write it down and ask yourself: Did I choose this consciously, or is it a response I developed long ago?

Here's to reclaiming your power and creating a life you love.

Until next week,
Debbra Blosnich.





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